Monday, October 20, 2008

Calling All Curly Hair Cuties!

All you moms of kids with curly hair I am looking for pics of your kids to feature on my blog. You can be of any race, age, and sex. Leave me a comment or e-mail me. Thanks!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Two Strand Twist Pictorial

I know I've been on a break for a minute and I do apologize! However, I am back and armed with a pictorial on how I do two-strand twist pigtails on my daughter's hair. I hope you all enjoy!

From Blog movies

Friday, October 10, 2008

Fabulous Book Find...

My daughter loves books. I started reading to her when she was in the womb and she popped out with a bookmark in hand -- okay, maybe not so much. But she really loves books. Her one-year-old brother, on the other hand, loves to destroy them. Now, I love to shop and buy my kids lovely, wonderful things, but times are hard and we have been in buckle-down-mode when it comes to our finances. I am certain many of you can relate - don't act brand new! Well, I don't know about you, but I can't afford to keep buying books for my little Sunshine when the-book-destroyer continues to tear them apart. So one day, after watching one of Oprah's 'saving money' shows, I decided that my family needed start going to the library instead of buying books and magazines. How excited was Sunshine when we ventured to Uptown/Downtown Charlotte and entered ImaginOn, a center that houses the Children's Public Library and The Children's Theater of Charlotte. She was so excited when she was handed her very own, very special library card! That place is awesome. "Loves it!"

Anyhoo, I digress, from the original intention of this post. Upon our first visit to ImaginOn I found the book, Grace for President, which was written by Kelly DiPucchio and Illustrated by one of my favorites, LeUyen Pham.


After taking this book home it quickly became one of Sunshine's favorites, and we usually get anywhere from 20-30 books when we go to the library. Grace for President, tells the story of Grace who sets out to become president of her 2nd grade class after learning that there has never been a woman in the U.S. Presidency. Through Grace's journey we learn about the electoral system and how it works. Now, don't get me wrong, my three year old still has no clue what a delegate is, but after reading this book she understands that there is hope that someone of her gender and her color can become president. And since this book was neither written nor illustrated by an african-american, I truly appreciate the fact that Grace is black. I'm telling you, I love this book! FYI, please don't confuse me with someone who writes reviews for money, because I am not the one. I really just love to share great things with great people. With the most historic presidential election looming around the corner, don't miss out on an excellent opportunity to involve your children in the process. You can find out more about this book by clicking on the picture. For those of you on a budget, like me, support your local library! Oh yeah, register to vote before it's too late!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

I'm getting there...

So, I'm working on that hair care regimen post along with a tutorial. It will include what I use on my daughter's hair, as well as other recommended products. I don't know if anyone's reading, but I would love to hear what you all are using out there! In the meantime, here's a picture of my daughter's hair right after shampooing and deep-conditioning. This was taken seven months ago, so it's a little different now. I'll have pics for you soon! Smooches for now...


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Hello World!!!

Hello, and welcome to my blog! Since I get a lot of questions about my three-year-old daughter's naturally curly hair, the main focus of this blog will be about her hair maintenance and growth. The intent is to provide tips and inspiration for the parents of children with naturally curly and/or kinky hair. Sadly, many children with hair that is characterized as thick and hard-to-manage hair end up with chemical relaxers, usually because their parents have no clue how to manage it. The problem with relaxers is while they appear to be a quick fix for hard to manage hair, the chemicals can ultimately lead to thinning hair and damage which causes breakage. While my daughter's hair is relatively manageable, these tips can be used on any and every hair type from thin to thick, natural to relaxed. The key is to understand which tips work for your child's head (most of them will even work for you!) Anyhoo, I'm going off on a tangent here!

While this blog will mainly serve as a guide for parents about the "secret world" of properly growing, styling and caring for naturally kinky/curly hair, I also plan to include other posts that relate to other great tips, finds and hair inspirations for children of color. Check back for my tips on how to create a hair regimen for your child. Tweetles for now!