Thursday, December 4, 2008

Toys We Love...

My litte Sunshine just turned for and I am in LOVE with one of the gifts that she received. It's the Barbie for President 2008 doll! Not only am I loving the fact that the person who bought it made sure she was black, I love the fact that she has her "White House" outfit, which is very fly. She also has a gala ballgown which is very cute, as well. What's great about this Barbie collector's item is that it also comes with an informational sheet from The White House Project, which gives a list of suggestions on ways to involve girls in the election process, and how to reinforce the importance of our girls making their voices heard and understanding that they can be anything the want to be. For the little girls in your life the Barbie for President doll is a sure bet. Click here to order.


For the little man in your life I am loving the Barak Obama action figure doll! While I don't understand why they had to make his head so darned big, I am loving the fact that there is even a doll of him at all. I came across this picture while I was looking for a pic of the Barbie doll. I'm not sure if it comes with anything, but I still think it's cool nonetheless. I think there are some big kids out there that might even like this. Click here to order.


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